Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Hannah's tenth birthday. It's getting harder to bow out all the candles in one go !!
Hannah's tenth birthday. She had her friend Emily to tea, so it was a bit confusing with that other mad Emily - at the bottom of the picture.

I've watched Robin Hood so many times - I could tell you the story back to front !
A quiet moment with Nanny - learning to sew.
I'm getting really good at sewing. If you want to know how to do it - I'll teach you...
Best mates !!!

Emily - training to be an I T specialist !

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Surprise ! - We are here at Auntie Trudys' for Bethany's birthday.
Bethany had a small party for her eigth birthday, with Aaron, Hannah, Emily, and two friends - Harry and Jake.

One very happy little girl.

All together now........
Guess who was first to sit at the table.
I think I've had too much to drink !!
Loaded in both hands! I'm going to have a good party.
Trudy put on a lovely spread - but now she is making up for lost time. I think it was sausage rolls, scones, cakes, drinks, crisps and anything that was left over !!!!
You will get fat on jam and clotted cream scones!!
Beth as 'Princess Jasmine' The 'Wicked witch of the North' - peeping around the corner, is Trudys' friend Haley.
The children ransacked the 'dressing-up' drawer and used everything that Trudy has ever made. The party is in full swing.
Beth - on her 'air' guitar.
Cleopatra - in disguise...!
I wish I could be a film star !!
Full of the party spirit !

Friday, 3 September 2010

First day back a t school - a little nervous, but it all went well.
From all of them - to all of you in NZ - with love!!
We took Aaron and Beth to Avebury for the day. It was very enjoyable. We bought Aaron a 'penny whistle' and Bethany a 'Bird Call' whistle. {you blow at the same time as pushing and pulling a slide in and out of the whistle tube]. Needless to say they were in continuous use. I was taking this picture of them up an the ramparts when a old couple passing behind us said, "that's a strange bird. I've never heard that before". Of course we had to buy the same for Hannah and Emily, so when we got back home, it was total bedlam.

I think they were trying to be The Pied Piper, but nothing followed them !!
Two little devils in The Devil's Chair. Aaron's penny whistle and Beth's Bird Call were going full blast.
Look who's sat in The Devil's Chair !!
Emily and Beth getting close to a python. [Notice that I am stood well back !!!]

Emily and Beth are making friends with the horses used in the Jousting display.

When Aaron. Beth, Hannah and Emily came to stay, we had a visit to Uffington Country Show.
After a very chaotic go on the Dodgems [All four - in two cars !! All wanting to steer !!] They had a quieter ride on the Gallopers. With the machine going at its quickest, I couldn't get Beth and Emily in the picture. They were obscured by Aaron.